Drumming has developed into an important therapeutic tool. In nursing homes, drum circles and other forms of music therapy are used to help Alzheimer patients focus attention, even if it is only temporary. Drumming exercises change the brain waves from dissimilar right and left brain waves to synchronized right and left brain waves. These exercises have also been shown to effectively reduce stress in Vietnam veterans and other trauma victims. Also, when Parkinson’s patients hear music with clear, strong rhythms, they have been able to improve their motor coordination and ability to walk up to 50% faster. “Everything we do in life essentially comes back to rhythm,” states Bob Bloom, a drumming Master Teaching Artist who works with patients who are dealing with illness and disabilities, the elderly, and the very young. “If something is off, we can reintroduce a correct rhythm to realign our physical and emotional state.”
http://www.irietones.com/drumtherapy-article_3.htm (Drumming to the rhythms of life.)